Mentoring, modeling, motivating, and preparing through the Transition Academy

The Transition Academy - a 2-year collegiate-style program for young adults with developmental disabilities and autism - is under construction now, and will be the first of its kind in our area! The mission of the academy is to mentor, model, motivate, and prepare individuals with developmental disabilities and autism for independent living, competitive workforce wages, and adding value to the communities in which they work, live, and grow.


Nuceka Chatman has been serving the community for most of her life, but she's found a new calling with A New Leaf! Nuceka, who is also an adjunct professor at TCC, is the first Director of our Owasso post-secondary educational facility. She received her bachelor's from Ball State University and master's from Northcentral University.

"I really do think of this new role as a calling," she says. "And I answer that call with joy, knowing I will wake up each day focused on serving the people of our community.”

Course offerings will include the following: Living Standards; Creating a Positive Environment; Dealing with Change; Respecting Diversity; Communication; Managing Emotions; Relationships; Money Matters; Critical Thinking; Responsibility; Independent Living; and Workforce Skills.

We look forward to partnering with local educational institutions to offer our clients even more opportunities to live independently on their own terms!

Please contact with questions about the Transition Academy!

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